Its a npn transistor and i just used to instruct you how to test a pnp transistor. Discrete semiconductors data sheet book, halfpage m3d186 2pa733 pnp general purpose transistor 1999 may 28 product specification supersedes data of 1998 jul 21 philips semiconductors product specification pnp general purpose transistor 2pa733 features pinning low current max. Video ics video signal switcher for av amplifiers ba7626 ba7626f the ba7626 and ba7626f are video signal switches that contain two fivechannel analog multiplexers for switching chroma and audio signals, and two wideband 6db amplifiers. Transistor kit 10 value 200pcs npn pnp power transistor assortment kit, transistors box pack for bc337, bc327, 2n2222, 2n907, 2n3904, 2n3906, s8050, s8550. Wings transistor pnp,alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and. Bc556, a b bc557, a b c bc558, a b c pnp general purpose transistor 2 base collector 3. A933 datasheet, equivalent, cross reference search. The interface between each of the regions forms a pn junction. Elektronische bauelemente pnp plastic encapsulated transistor.
You can replace the 2n with the 2na, 2n, 2n or 2sa discrete semiconductors data sheet book, halfpage m3d 2n pnp switching transistor jun 19 product specification supersedes data of september file under discrete semiconductors, sc04 philips semiconductors product specification pnp switching transistor 2n features pinning high current max. Texas instruments transistor and diode databook 1st ed 1973 datasheets for diodes from 1n251 on and transistors from 2n117 on acrobat 7 pdf 34. Epitaxial planar pnp silicon transistors, 2sa933 datasheet, 2sa933 circuit, 2sa933 data sheet. The transistor is subdivided into three groups, o, y and s, according to its dc. Smallsignal pnp transistor sgsthomson microelectronics 5. Parameterssymbol min typ max unitconditioncollectoremitter breakdown voltagebvceo datasheet search, datasheets, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes and other semiconductors. A933 datasheet, a933 pdf, a933 data sheet, a933 manual, a933 pdf, a933, datenblatt, electronics a933, alldatasheet, free, datasheet, datasheets, data sheet, datas. Datasheet is pretty poor quality but we can see that the pins are numbered emittercollectorbase. Thus, a transistor has three regions rather than two. Its inspired by the 2sc, but specs and pinouts vary usually japanese or us pinout, ime. The 2n2907 is an equally popular pnp transistor complementary to the 2n2222. The 2n2222 is a common npn bipolar junction transistor bjt used for general purpose. Sst3906 pnp general purpose transistor datasheet loutline parameter value sot23 vceo40v ic200ma sst3 lfeatures linner circuit 1bvceo40vic1ma 2complements the sst3904 3low capacitance.
Sa1015 a933 s 2sa864 2sa564 2sa872 2sa733 sa112 2sa718a 2sa984. Cls datasheet, cls pdf, cls data sheet, datasheet, data sheet, pdf. Parameters and characteristics a datasheet, cross reference, circuit and application notes in pdf format. The resulting transistors show exceptional high gain performance coupled with very low saturation voltage. The 2n3904 is a really common transistor that we use all the time and the 2n3906 is its pnp sibling. A transistor is like a diode with a third layer of either ptype or ntype semiconductors on one end. Check out the datasheet, see if you recognize any familiar characteristics. A transistor datasheet book a transistor datasheet, cross reference, circuit and application notes in pdf format.
Discrete semiconductors data sheet book, halfpage m3d186 2n4403 pnp switching transistor 1999 apr 23 product specification supersedes data. Depending on how they biased, the exact value can vary even on the same transistor. Ar nte equvilent ntea transistor pnp silicon v ica to 92 case audio power amp compl to ntea. The pnp transistor will give a reading only when you connect the positive lead in the middle and the negative lead in the sides. A933 datasheet, a933 pdf, a933 data sheet, datasheet, data sheet, pdf. Datasheet identification product status definition advance information formative or in design this datasheet contains the design specifications for product development.
Quick reference data symbol parameter conditions min typ max unit per transistor tr1 vceo collectoremitter voltage open base. Pnp transistora733100maaf output amplifiermaximum ratings and electrical characteristicsta25. A733 pnp epitaxial silicon transistor elite enterprises h. The values in the datasheet set upper and lower limits, transistors are notoriously fickle. Since the purpose of this book is not to go deeply into the physics of the transistor. Specifications may change in any manner without notice. Optocoupler, transistor output, 1 channel, surface mount dip, 4 pins technical datasheet. The gain of the 2sa1175rf will be in the range from 110 to 180, 2sa1175jf ranges from 5 to 220, 2sa1175hf ranges from 170 to 270, 2sa1175ff ranges from 200 to 320, 2sa1175ef ranges from 250 to 400, 2sa1175kf ranges from 300 to 600. Oxford university press usa publishes scholarly works in all academic disciplines, bibles, music, childrens books, business books, dictionaries, reference books, journals, text books and more. A933 datasheet 50v, 100ma, pnp transistor rohm, 2sa933 datasheet, a933 pdf, a933 pinout, a933 manual, a933 schematic, a933 equivalent, a933 data. If you plug this into any multimeter with transistor test in this configuration, and it shows a valid hfe i.
This book consists of several nice transistor applications included interesting background of the used devices. The 2sa1175 transistor might have a current gain anywhere between 110 and 600. Pnp silicon epitaxial planar transistor for switching and af amplifier applications. Rohm, alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs, and other semiconductors. The good thing about these types of transistors especially compared to those troublesome photoresistors is that their model numbers are stamped on their cases, so you can always tell at a glance which one is which. A933 pdf 2sa933, pnp silicon transistor datasheetcafe.
Smallsignal transistor data book, 86 pages, 1984, motorola. Dta043z series pnp 100ma 50v digital transistor bias resistor builtin transistor datasheet loutline parameter value sot723 sot416fl vcc50v icmax. Home components hardware boards books kits futurlec the electronic components and semiconductor superstore. A733 datasheet, equivalent, cross reference search. Vmt3 emt3f sot323fl lfeatures 1 builtin biasing resistors. A933 datasheet 50v, 100ma, pnp transistor rohm, 2sa933 datasheet, a933 pdf, a933 pinout, a933 manual, a933 schematic, a933. A933 2sa933 components datasheet pdf data sheet free from. Basic book printed circuit board bipolar junction transistor. Silicon pnp switching transistor stmicroelectronics preferred salestype pnp transistor applications. A933 pdf datasheet 2sa933, pnp silicon transistor, a933 pdf, a933 pinout, equivalent, replacement, a933 schematic, a933 manual, data. Most interesting aspect of this small book is the datasheet archive from a 2n22 of western electric till the 2n434 of general electric. Silicon pnp switching transistors stmicroelectronics. A nte equvilent ntea transistor pnp silicon v ica to 92 case audio power amp compl to ntea.
The 2sb is pnp silicon transistor suited for the output stage of 3 w audio amplifier, voltage regulator, dcdc converter and relay. Therefore, it is important to refer to the datasheet for the exact part number and. A933 datasheet, a933 pdf, a933 data sheet, a933 manual, a933 pdf, a933, datenblatt, electronics a933, alldatasheet, free, datasheet, datasheets, data sheet, datas sheets, databook, free datasheet. Bc557a transistor datasheet pdf purpose transistor. Download clb datasheet from continental device india limited. Toshiba toshiba transistor silicon pnp epitaxial type pct process,alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors, integrated circuits. There are many ways to overcome this, mostly through various biasing techniques that set the gain of the circuit, which will always be less than the gain of the transistor. This data sheet and its contents the information belong to the members of the premier farnell group of companies the group or. This circuit consists of a datawheet transistor amplifier and a 3 transistor switch that detects when the phone line is in use, and turns on the amplifier. Some transistors are missing in the list like the 2n76, 2n110, 2n407 and 2n410. Transistor beta minimum and maximum all about circuits.
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